We offer the service of viewing any of our carpets & rugs in-situ in London, Surrey, Hampshire & the UK by appointment. Please contact us using the enquire form below.
A very fine antique Shirvan rug from the little settlement of Chila. Woven in 1880 the dyes are saturated beautifully and the small boteh motifs in the centre are wonderful. Use of ivory dye makes the other colours illuminate.
Shirvan is a region of Azerbaijan in the southeastern Caucasus. With the exception of a group of rugs woven in the vicinity of Baku, most Shirvans are found in small sizes, with examples from the southern part of the area around the town of Saliani more likely to be in the long, narrow format described in the West as runners.
We offer the service of viewing any of our carpets & rugs in-situ in London, Surrey, Hampshire & the UK by appointment. Please contact us using the enquire form below.
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