We offer the service of viewing any of our carpets & rugs in-situ in London, Surrey, Hampshire & the UK by appointment. Please request a home visit to view this beautiful fine 6La Nain carpet in-situ.
A very good quality and hard wearing Sarouk carpet, woven within the Sherkat Workshops. The design has been created as a square, with wonderful symmetry.
Carpets from the Sherkat Workshops are made with top quality wool, and the pile length is around 8mm long, making for a very tough, hard wearing carpet. hand made with traditional vegetable dyes.
We offer the service of viewing any of our carpets & rugs in-situ in London, Surrey, Hampshire & the UK by appointment. Please request a home visit to view this beautiful fine 6La Nain carpet in-situ.
We have found more carpets like "Square modern Sarouk carpet"
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