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Antique square Kurdish carpet

Circa 1890
227 × 196 cm 7’5” x 6’5”


A really interesting tribal antique Kurdish carpet woven with an all over ‘boteh’ design and amazing star design border.  The checker border design at both ends is really fun too.  Rich in natural dyes and woven around 130 years ago, condition is really very good indeed.  A rare size to find too, being almost square in proportion.

These tribal Persian rugs were generally woven in or around the Zagros Mountains area of North-Western Persia by the Lurs people. These Persian carpets are beautiful tribal art, often primitive but have wonderful designs and colours.  Kurdish rug weavers were mainly woman who adapted and experimented with neighbouring weaving designs and used them in their own carpets. Nomadic rugs of the Kurds of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus used often primitive designs, whereas the the Kurdish Northwest Persia weavers used Caucasian designs of Kazak and Karabagh such as the diagonally striped field or bold geometric motifs.

The pile height of this tribal rug is very good indeed, view all the additional images to see the condition up close.  A wonderful antique Kurdish carpet, ready to be used for another 100 plus years.  Book in a showroom visit or home visit to see this rug up close, we look forward to helping you very soon.

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Please contact us to request a home visit to try this beautiful antique tribal rug in-situ at a convenient day and time to suit you. If you would like to view hundreds of antique rugs, please do come and visit our barn showroom in Crondall, Surrey.

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